Monday, February 26, 2007

Summary of lecture style studies

After the presentations of lecture styles in NUS, here are a few conclusions that i had:

- Everything everyone said was similar, simply because we studied the same University :)
- Everyone has different approaches, however it all comes down to 3 different elements: The lecture theater, the students and the lecturers

On lecture theater:
- Feng sui study from one group shows many blockage, long path and lack of scenic and round shapes. Improving in the ambiance of the lecture halls is important.
- Compare with other universities' lecture hall, we are not behind in facilities
- Location is key: toilets, food, etc.
- Air con temperature needs to be JUST RIGHT
- Size of the theater is important and it varies based on needs of student, size of the class, the frequency of students who skip class and other elements...

On lecturers:
- Accent and presentation style is a major theme. Many requested lecturers to be lectured on how to lecture
- Humor is important
- Speed and speech
- Lecture's timing, punctuality and ending timing. Break time was emphasized a lot too

On students:
- Many like to sit at the back, except for some (and it's too racist to repeat it here)
- As students, many talk and sleep and get distracted
- Rarely admit lecture's style is partially affected by them and hence bad lectures are always not their fault.
- Learning attitude is more important than anything else

To improve on the style:
- Build new infra structures
- Have new technical devices such as sleeping alarm chair, translator devices, slow down beeper, etc.
- Have more cultural teachings on the right lecture style

- Funding, as always. How can we improve it without spending millions and raising tuition fee like we are doing now
- It's all on perception and attitude of teaching and learning
- It's simply impossible to please like millions of different people having different preferences and ideology

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Assignment: How to improve NUS lecture style

Lecture: CS3242S – Morning 8am to 10am Thursday


- At 7:55am the lecturer arrived

- He usually waits until 8:10am and start, when the class is about 1/3 filled

- Many students come in late

- Lecturer speaks in monotone and the English is not really clear

- Sometimes he speaks too fast

- The slides are clear and well presented

- Very few students came and the lecture theater is very big

- Lecture theater is very cold

- Lecturer always discussed project assignment before the end of class

- The lesson always ends late

Effects of this:

- Early class, big class room and cold temperature make students sleepy.

- Lecture starts late make student assume that everything will be late and hence they always arrive late

- Normally students come late just to know about the projects and CA

Ladder analysis

What don’t you like about current lecture style? I feel very sleepy during class

Why do you feel sleepy? It’s too early in the morning

What time is too early? 8:00 am

Why is it early for you? I stay off campus. It takes me 1 hour to travel to class. That means waking up at 6 am to prepare to go to school

How does sleepiness affect you? I can’t really get what the lecturer saying

Why can’t you get it? He speaks to fast and sometimes I jus can’t focus

How does not getting it affect you? I don’t understand the lecture

How does not understanding the lecture affect you? I can’t do well for my tests and exams

How do tests and exams affect you? I’ll fail

How does failing affect you? I’ll be kick out of NUS

How does failing NUS affect you? I’ll be doomed

Conclusion: I’ll be doomed because of 8am class…

Suggestion for Improvement:

- All NUS classes should start at 9am earliest

- Lecturers are required to at least pass ET1000 or above.

- Even if there’s only 1 student, the lecture should start on time with exam information and test conducted at the beginning of the class