Thursday, March 8, 2007

Advance user for Yahah! Website

Name: Alvin Lau
Alias: The geek
Age: 26
Height: 1m72
Weight: 70kg
Occupation: Electrical Engineer
Working 45 hours a week at Phillips Electronics
Status: In a relationship
Hobbies: Photography, chess, online game, read books, anything that is geeky

Alvin loves Yahah! For one thing, he is an engineer with intense workload. Sometimes when taking a 5 or 10 minutes break, he would want to find some quick and hassle free relaxation to free his mind for a while. He loves the variety of things that Yahah! can provide. He already have enough stress at work so he didn't like to read serious news and depressing stuffs on the media. He loves witty jokes that is smart and with a lot of implies, which are so hard to get out there, since people are so shallow, he feels.

Second thing is the customization. Alvin doesn't like YouTube, because everytime he goes there he has to search for something. Sometimes he just didn't know what he wanted to see. And sometimes it's frustrating to see or fast forward through the entire clip just to know they are not what he wanted to watch. With Yahah! everytime he log on he already have clips there for him. If he doesn't like it he just needs to click a thumb down, and it will automatically skip to the next relevant clips. The more thumb down he puts, the less frequent these annoying content appears. Which is great, he thought

What else, after a Youtube video he has to pick a similar video to watch. With Yahah! he moves straight to the next content. The more he watches and puts thumbs up or thumbs down, the more relevant and accurate the content will get.

Sure, he has to participate pretty often. But he didn't mind. He wants to be involved and decide the content he will see. And he wants to know the system is interacting with him. For youtube he has to fastforward and search again himself. Everytime he rates the system doesn't do anything for him and it never learns. Yahah! is like a smart friend to him. Everytime he commented on something it will just get better, learning from his preference and also dislikes.

Sure there are a thousand things out there to waste your time on, but he didn't consider Yahah! a waste of time. It gives him the entertainment he needs with less time. Youtube is so over. Yahah! is the new things and sooner or later, these shallow, novice users will realize it.

"It's always cool to be THE GEEK!" He concluded :)

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